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Prepare your vessel for the future with Raven INS

Aiming at Green Transition
in Short Sea Transport


NES was the first company to make and get approval for an Integrated Navigation System from scratch, meeting the intentions of the standard, in lieu of patching a number of stand-alone applications together (such as Radar, ECDIS, Conning, Autopilot, etc.)

  • An intuitive and task based user interface, ensuring safe and predictable operations
  • An ergonomic and modern operator chair, with integrated workstations and maneuver levers
  • A scalable solution, suitable for vessels from 25 m and upwards
  • An extra layer of fall back,  paving the way for autonomous operations.
Our Vision

Taking Integration to a New Level

If you want further information about our systems, please contact us




Current software versions for Raven INS:  

INS Software

- Version: 1.1.X


- Presentation Library: 4.0


- Version: 2.2.0

Controller Software

- Version: 1.1.0
INS Stol - 5 monitorer - v4